We are committed to providing the best pet products to our customers. We know the difficulties faced in getting the right item(s) for your pet. To this end we customise our products to meet our customers desires. We only work with the best manufacturers and brands both locally and abroad and maintain a holistic approach to ensure the quality of products and services meet your expectations.
Free shipping is also offered on select items. Do not miss out!
A big thanks to Breed Imperial for sending me the first collar I will be using on Storm during her training. The reflective safety dog collar!
Product Tester
Hi! I am Sasha, Product Tester of Breed Imperial Limited. My hooman created this company for me!
Breed Imperial was founded September 2016, with the aim of becoming your one stop hub for everything your pet needs. Our goal is to provide the best products and services possible, through collaboration and understanding of our customers needs.
We look forward to many more years serving our fans and you can always connect with us through social media using #BreedImperial.
P.S. I do not like people, I only like my hooman do not pet me if I am in your neighbourhood.